Revamping Your Lampshade: Tips for Painting and Decorating Your Lampshade

The Benefits of Revamping Your Lampshade

If you’re tired of your old, boring lampshade, consider revamping it with a fresh coat of paint and some creative decorations. Revamping your lampshade can instantly transform the look and feel of your room, without breaking the bank. Plus, it’s a fun and easy DIY project that anyone can do.

Choosing the Right Lampshade to Revamp

Before you start painting and decorating your lampshade, it’s important to choose the right one. Consider the style and color of your room, as well as the size and shape of your lamp base. You’ll want to choose a lampshade that complements your décor and fits well with your lamp base.

Step-by-Step Guide to Revamping Your Lampshade

Here are the steps to revamping your lampshade:

  • Clean the lampshade. Use a dust brush or clean, dry cloth to remove any dust and debris from the lampshade.
  • Prepare your work area. Lay out some newspaper or a drop cloth to protect your work surface.
  • Select your paint. Choose a high-quality spray paint that is designed for use on fabric or lampshades.
  • Apply the paint. Hold the spray can about 8 inches away from the lampshade and apply a thin, even coat of paint. Allow to dry completely between coats.
  • Add decorative accents. Use fabric, ribbon, trims, or other decorations to embellish your lampshade, using fabric glue or hot glue to attach them.
  • Reattach the lampshade to the lamp base.

Tips for Painting and Decorating Your Lampshade

Here are some tips to help you get the best results:

  • Use a light hand when applying the paint. Avoid over-saturating the fabric with paint, as it can cause drips and clumps.
  • Try out a few different colors and styles of paint before committing to one.
  • Use stencils or tape to create patterns and designs on your lampshade.
  • Choose decorations that complement your paint color, or contrast it for a bold look.
  • Consider using a fabric protector spray to help protect your newly painted lampshade from stains and spills.


Revamping your lampshade can be a fun and affordable way to spruce up your space. Whether you choose to paint it a bold color or embellish it with decorations, the possibilities are endless. With a few simple steps and some creativity, you can transform your old, dull lampshade into a beautiful work of art that brightens up your home.

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